Articles, Essays

How Facebook makes us unhappy

The New Yorker (online) (September 12, 2013) visit article

Sinister minds: Are left-handed people smarter?

The New Yorker (online) (August 22, 2013) visit article

The psychology of distrusting GMOs

The New Yorker (online) (August 8, 2013) visit article

Why summer makes us lazy

The New Yorker (online) (July 22, 3013) visit article

Why brainteasers don’t belong in job interviews

The New Yorker (online) (June 25, 2013) visit article

How caffeine can cramp creativity

The New Yorker (online) (June 17, 2013) visit article

Angelina Jolie, meet Nate Silver

Salon (May 15, 2013) visit article

The new criteria for mental disorders

The New Yorker (online) (May 8, 2013) visit article

Do readers judge female characters more harshly than male characters?

The Atlantic (May 7, 2013) visit article

Why we need answers

The New Yorker (online) (April 30, 2013) visit article