Welcome to my blog. I’ll do my best to update it regularly (or semi-regularly, at the least…) with news, writing updates, and other assorted thoughts. Read, enjoy, and please share your thoughts and comments. If you’re looking for psychology pieces at the New Yorker, you can find them here. If you’re looking for my old blog about literature and psychology, Literally Psyched, you can find it here.

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Con artists on the Charlie Rose show

February 25, 2016

So excited to be back where it all started. Charlie Rose was my first job (or at least, the first one that stuck!) after I graduated from college. It was such an absolute honor to be back last night to talk about THE CONFIDENCE GAME. Not to mention having my segment paired with Kevin Spacey’s! The full video is below, and also available here.

Hitting the New York Times bestseller list!

February 25, 2016

It’s always the dream: that a book hits the list, becoming a New York Times bestseller. I am beyond thrilled that this very thing happened to The Confidence Game. It would not have been possible without all of you, my wonderful readers. So: thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

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And a huge thank you to the wonderful Canadian readers who vaulted The Confidence Game onto the Canadian bestseller list, for two weeks running.

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